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New opportunities for children with PLO

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On December 8, 2020 №414 / 23.04.2018 “On approval of the Standard list of teaching aids (special means of correction of psychophysical development) of persons with special educational needs who study in educational institutions”

In this bulletin, not only added new equipment, but also expanded the list of educational institutions , who can purchase such aids for the correction of psychophysical development for training at public expense. 

From now on, the purchase of equipment for children with special educational needs is available for purchase:

  • inclusive classes and groups;
  • special schools;
  • training and rehabilitation centers.

The new equipment includes: interactive LCD or LED panels for correctional and developmental classes, psychological and emotional relief; 3D printer and ZD scanner; projector with interactive functions to increase visual information and more. The full list can be found at the link. 

This document also contains the position “Interactive floor“. 

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet assured that the Ministry of Education and Science is working to ensure that children with SEN have the opportunity to receive modern and high-quality education using new technologies. However, the purchase of such equipment will be useful not only for children with SEN. In an inclusive classroom in regular schools, a wide range of children attending such a school will have access to modern equipment. 

The above-mentioned and other equipment from the list can be purchased at the expense of funds allocated to support children with SEN in 2020 to special schools and training and rehabilitation centers, which were used to purchase equipment for this purpose.  

In addition, it will be recalled that the interactive floor, sandbox and panel comply with Order №414 / 23.04.2018 “On approval of the Standard list of special means of correction of psychophysical development of children with special educational needs who study in inclusive and special classes of general secondary education.”


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