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Interactive technologies as a way of encouraging learning

Interactive technologies

In the era of continuous change and rapid development, new ways and methods of encouraging children to the educational process emerge. Traditional teaching methods no longer bring effectiveness and are considered outdated, because the simple transfer of information from teacher to student has ceased to be the main goal of the educational process. Traditional teaching methods offered passive students to study information and not to be actively involved in the learning process.

However, today offers more and more new opportunities to study new material with the transformation of “passive listeners” into “active participants” in the educational process. One of the most effective ways is to use interactive technologies. The  word “interactive”  is derived from the word “interactive”. “Inter” – from  Latin  “mutual”, “act”  from English – to act. “Interactive” means promoting, interacting, collaborating with something or someone. Accordingly, interactive technologies are aimed precisely at active interaction in the educational process, and not at passive listening.  They have become a progressive teaching method, because it is with the help of them that one can achieve:

  • Interactions and communication of students with each other during training
  • Activating the learning process, making it much more interesting and not monotonous
  • Greater concentration and increased interest in children
  • Diversifying classes and enriching them with new modern developments
  • New submission of old material
  • Development of creative abilities of students both individually and in group cooperation
  • Positive impact on the formation of the psychological state of the child

Interactive technologies involve students in the process, deepen their knowledge in a playful way, increase and develop communication skills and increase the percentage of material studied, because students memorize:

5% – lectures

10% of what they read

20% – what they see with their own eyes

50% – what they listen to and see at the same time

70% – what is discussed and written

80% – what they do with their own hands

90% – what they do with their own hands and discuss at the same time

The basis of interactive technologies is the  involvement of students in practical activities  , because  it is proved that most of all  it is possible tolearnand remember   it in practical activities.


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