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Speech therapist in the process of teaching children

buy interactive floor Ukraine for speech therapist

A speech therapist is a specialist who deals with the detection and correction of disorders of language development and communication of children with disabilities. With inclusive education, more and more schools are trying to add such teachers to their staff. But sometimes there are difficulties with this, because the position of speech therapist-defectologist in the classifier of professions does not exist. However, the legislation of Ukraine allows to introduce the position of a special education teacher in the school staff.

In our country, there are many children with severe speech disorders in schools, IRCs, special classes and individual education. And despite sufficient mental development, they often have difficulties associated with secondary retardation in mental processes. This indicates the need for special support of the child during the learning process (including speech therapy, psychological).

On the one hand, it will regulate effective, timely and qualified diagnosis and rehabilitation work with a child with severe speech disorders. On the other hand, it will help this child to perceive the material at his own pace, without delaying other children.
The last point is very important, because it is important for children with any disorders to be surrounded by healthy children, so that they play the role of role models, and children-speech therapists try to imitate them, establish friendly relations, participate together in holidays, games, class life. All this improves their emotional, motor and speech development.

But in addition to peers and a speech therapist to help a child with a speech impairment in the learning process also need other conditions: speech therapy room, modern equipment, teaching materials and most importantly free access to it for children with SEN and their parents. Such an office should be bright, include logistics and furniture, literature, speech therapy catalogs, didactic material and necessary manuals, as well as other materials for the work of a speech therapist. To give the work of a teacher-speech therapist correctional speech orientation it is necessary to use gamification and art therapy, which have proven effective in working with preschoolers and children of primary school age with speech disorders (as well as musculoskeletal system, hearing, vision, mental retardation, mental backwardness, cerebral palsy). Such classes can be conducted without affecting performance individually, in groups or subgroups, in thematic lessons, in the form of tasks or games, and so on.

The teacher-speech therapist must be aware of the current achievements of speech therapy, must use modern, scientifically sound methods.

It is for such purposes that Briolight has released a package of effects for a speech therapist. It is already available on the Briolight interactive floor as well as on the interactive panel. Eventually, the software will be adapted to other types of equipment (projector, whiteboard, sandbox, phone, computer, etc.). This effect package includes two types of games: “One-Many” and “Say Kindly”. different modules (individual games): Fruits, Birds, Utensils, Furniture, Pets, Vegetables, Wild animals.A total of 14 effects for the speech therapist.So the child is able to learn the difference in pronunciation between cases and the number of objects, as well as features of kind treatment .

These packages are not focused on the primary work of a speech therapist, but to consolidate the material, control the dynamics of development, as well as to involve the child in learning by gamification classes. The effects from the “Speech Therapy” package have a professional Ukrainian-language voice acting and musical accompaniment. They were developed in the framework of scientific collaboration with practicing speech therapists and psychologists working with children with disabilities.


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