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Relaxation room (dark sensory room)

Relaxation room (dark sensory room)

Relaxation room is one of the types of sensory rooms, it is also called “Dark room” and it helps to restore psycho-emotional state, relaxation and calmness. Its content depends on the purpose of use, but it is necessarily equipped with lighting devices, projections, fiber-optic products and means of darkening the room (blinds, roller blinds, curtains). Soothing music and ambient sounds, diffused lighting, designs in neutral colors, aromatherapy are often borrowed from elements of a universal sensory room into a dark one. 

Such relaxation rooms have long become the main tool of psychologists during rehabilitation for anxiety, neurosis, delayed psychomotor development, hyperactivity and some other disorders. 

How the work in the relaxation room works

All the elements in the room can be used for therapy. So, you can touch surfaces with your palms and feel their differences, you can listen to sounds, you can interact with a projection, smells can be felt, light can be caught or mirrored. 

The psychologist interacts with the child’s feelings and focuses on them. Classes in the room can be both group and individual, and the number of visits is set by the specialist himself, focusing on progress and dynamics. Also, the session time is adjusted by the specialist based on the purpose of the session, the primary state, progress and personal feelings and experience. Usually, a developmental lesson lasts up to half an hour, and the correction of mental states takes about an hour.

In any case, there is a scenario for working in a relaxation room. It consists of three stages: Introduction, main part, conclusion. 

First, the therapist greets the child (sometimes an adult) and does a warm-up to get them used to the environment.

Then, the psychologist starts active work and takes corrective measures using the environment. 

At the end of the lesson, the psychologist needs to summarize and say goodbye to the child in order to consolidate the results of the lesson. 

Rules, restrictions and contraindications

For comfortable work in the relaxation room, there are rules that practicing psychologists have come to:

  1. In case of symptoms of infectious diseases (fever, cough, runny nose, rashes), the child should be sent home.
  2. It is necessary to take off your shoes when entering the room.
  3. It is forbidden to bring food into the room , drinks and other items that may interfere with therapy.

Also, contraindications to classes in the relaxation room include:

  • Epilepsy
  • Deep mental retardation
  • Taking psychotropic drugs for neuropsychiatric diseases
  • Infectious diseases (including acute and chronic)

Relaxation room for adults

In world practice, relaxation rooms have shown their effectiveness for psychological correction not only for children but also adults. 

Therefore, now, many companies set them up for office workers to relieve the stress they are constantly exposed to. 

Also, such rooms are actively used in adult medical institutions for rehabilitation after psychological disorders, vision diseases, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and in maternity hospitals to stabilize the psycho-emotional state before childbirth. 

If you are looking to purchase a relaxation room, our company Briolight will create an individual project based on your budget, field of activity and preferences. The cost of a room can include finishing work, the purchase of means for darkening the room, lighting. More information from our managers by phone. 063/067/050 258 15 15. 

Read our other articles on this topic: 

Sensory room

Sensory integration


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