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Corporate training program for working with Briolight equipment

training program

Modern high-tech interactive equipment Briolight, which includes an interactive sandbox, floor, panel, and some other products from the composition of sensory rooms, today are actively used in entertainment centers, kindergartens, schools and IRCs as multifunctional devices. They contribute to the development of fantasy, logical thinking, fine and gross motor skills, the formation of educational and remedial skills. The child is fascinated by the gameplay, and he strives to solve more difficult tasks.

Although at first glance, interactive products are created for entertaining children’s institutions, Briolight equipment is actively used in inclusive rehabilitation centers, schools and kindergartens due to unique software. It was created jointly with psychologists, speech therapists, a teacher on the basis of the Ukrainian school curriculum and correction techniques that are now used in work with children. The equipment is used as an independent element, or is included in the general program (based on needs), for individual lessons and small groups. The teacher himself shapes the course of the lesson and includes Briolight products in it.

But not everyone knows how to correctly form a lesson with such equipment, and some even have technical difficulties (enable, configure, select the necessary effects). And although our team conducts training during installation, the staff of institutions tends to change, and sometimes the teacher is simply not present at the installation. Because of this, we realized that our customers needed refresher courses to work with Briolight equipment. This approach allows you to get acquainted with the principle of operation of modern interactive complexes, learn about its new capabilities, communicate with people who also work on it, and much more.

What happens in such courses?

The center with which we cooperate (the Center for Social and Psychological Support at the Petro Mohyla BSNU) forms small groups of up to 10 people. This includes people who are already working on Briolight equipment, as well as those who are just planning to purchase it for their establishment.

Our technicians begin their lesson with a basic story (how to turn on, how to hold the remote control correctly, how to trigger an effect). Some things seem obvious, but in fact even they require some experience. Part of this story is the required demonstration and practice. You can independently go up and try to repeat what the technician did (special attention is paid to working with the control panel).

The second stage is the story about the possibilities that are, but not many use them. For example, the formation of folders of activities. Thanks to them, the teacher can create a folder with effects for each child (subject, diagnosis, goals, etc.). This significantly speeds up the work with the equipment, since there is no need to look for what you want to turn on every time.

Specialist Briolight talks about filters, generator, sequence, special and basic effect settings, difficulty levels and much more. All of this is important when working with children, but often these functions are overlooked because they seem too complex. But after trying it in practice, the user changes his mind.

The final stage of the course is considered to be answers to questions that you can ask, as well as a story about upcoming updates. There, you can tell what effects you need to work with, and we will take them into service.

But the program includes more than just equipment training. Teachers also receive methodological support, the opportunity to self-actualize professionally by writing their own effective methods (in cooperation with the developers of the Briolight company), to improve work efficiency by applying new knowledge.

In addition, corporate programs allow teachers to exchange experience with colleagues, take part in competitions, projects, receive programs, demo versions of new modes, get professional advice from specialists and technical support, directly telling about their doubts and questions.

The course takes place in Mykolaiv. And all the company’s products (including the fine motor controller and speech therapy mirror) are examined one by one. In addition to Briolight technicians, speakers are psychologists and speech therapists from the center, who directly work with children on our equipment and help develop, test updates to it.

You can find out the dates of the next course by phone by calling our managers.


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