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Interactive technologies for the teacher

Кременчуцький міський центр соціальної реабілітації дітей-інвалідів

The introduction of play techniques into the educational process is used by the majority of teachers who work with preschoolers and children from primary school. Less often, the principle of the game is applied to the older grades of the school, and sometimes interactive games are held even at universities. 

Comparing pedagogical games with ordinary ones, it is worth emphasizing that the first type has a clearly set goal of teaching and obtaining an appropriate pedagogical result, and in addition, they have an explicit educational and cognitive orientation. 

Teachers implement such games with the help of game techniques and situations, which are a means of stimulating students to learning activities. Such a technique, involving children in the educational process in a playful environment, helps to better concentrate and memorize more information, in comparison with the direct task of the teacher. 

During the pedagogical game, the child is involved in active cognitive activity, and at the same time does not feel fatigue, saves energy for the subsequent learning period.

With the help of game communication and play, children show and form their worldview, the need to influence the world, adequately perceive what is happening, which helps children to grow up. 

For the correct implementation of play techniques in the educational process, Briolight has developed a set of interactive equipment for the education and rehabilitation of children. The complex includes: an interactive projection floor, an interactive augmented reality sandbox, an interactive multi-touch panel, an interactive developing table, an interactive mirror with audio and video recording function and other equipment. For more than 12 years, it has been used by teachers both in combination and separately. 

Briolight has also developed special unique software for its products, which was created in cooperation with teachers, defectologists, psychologists and other specialists. All effects were developed for the education and rehabilitation of children, taking into account age characteristics, school curriculum and preschool education program. 

In addition, the interactive panel is an indispensable tool for a teacher’s work, since it immediately replaces a blackboard, TV, projector and laptop.

The pedagogical capabilities of interactive equipment as a means of teaching, in a number of indicators, far exceed the capabilities of traditional means of implementing the educational process.

Using an interactive multitouch panel and other Briolight equipment in the classroom allows you to:

  • improve the quality of teaching children through the use of professional tools for the educational process;
  • use in the classroom author’s presentations, multimedia content, audio fragments;
  • a large library of exercises, varied in content, directions, difficulty, to navigate in which will help the functions “Filter” and “Generator of activities”;
  • change the difficulty levels (easy, normal, difficult), and besides that, adjust all classes individually , taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, his age and the purpose of applying one or another effect;
  • develop mental functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking) by increasing the level of visibility;
  • create individual folders for each student or group of students, for specific topics, with unique authoring settings, which significantly speeds up the process of using equipment in conditions of limited time for a school lesson.
  • develop the accuracy of hand movements and fine motor skills;
  • develop skills in spatial orientation;
  • increase motivation and increase the performance of children during schooling (lessons + breaks);
  • provide emotional comfort in the classroom.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that educational technologies make it possible to increase the interest of students in educational activities, provide for various forms of presentation and assimilation of program material, and contain a great educational, developmental and educational potential. 


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