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Space for children’s realization

interactive equipment for working with children

How to build a supportive environment for your chaldren’s development

The use of interactive equipment for working with children began relatively recently, not only in Ukraine, but also in the world. The effectiveness of such tools surprised specialists and gave rise to a lot of scientific research.
Today we will talk about Oleksandr Veraksa, he is a well-known psychologist, a specialist in the field of developmental psychology and developmental psychology and a doctor of psychological sciences.

Olexandr has been repeatedly awarded with awards as a developer of educational programs, methods and models for preschoolers, schoolchildren, including children with disabilities. He focuses on the concept of “space for children’s realization,” and his work can serve as an excellent reference for practicing psychologists. They will be especially useful to those who work with children, develop and use the capabilities of the modern world.
The psychologist notes that:

… an adult must listen to the child’s voice in order to understand the children’s plan and help the child not only realize it, but also create conditions aimed at supporting his demand. In our opinion, the search for new educational practices such as participations … 

In practice, the space of children’s implementation can be encountered in the use of an interactive sandbox, an interactive floor, an interactive panel. As well as other components of interactive rooms (SoundBeam, controllers of large and fine motor skills). Working with children does not imply “complying with the norms”, but aims to help:

…ensure children’s implementation by creating a new space in which the child creates new products (what he builds in the sandbox), and the adult supports him in this. These same tasks are also in family education. The task of the family is to provide the opportunity to expand the space of children’s realization, where the child could realize his ideas. 

– writes O. Veraksa in the work “Child Development: Two Paradigms”.

The introduction of innovations in schools, RPIs and child development centers using the Briolight interactive equipment will help organize the “space for children’s realization” as an important element of developmental education, in the form of a sensory room, psychological unloading room or individual elements (interactive sandbox, panel, floor).


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