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Useful information when using the interactive panel

interactive panel Ukraine

The use of interactive panels in the work of a teacher, especially with children with disabilities, contributes to the enrichment of knowledge, the development of various skills and abilities, stimulates interest and integrates learning into the game process. This allows you to improve the dynamics of learning, mental development, and also significantly increases the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures.

The Briolight touch panel is a modern device for input and output of information, therefore, in addition to launching applications on it, which were selected by our specialists, it can be used for various purposes.

1. Our panel can be used for remote conferences, meetings and distance learning. Interactive panel – a way of video communication

2. The panel can be purchased together with a complex for the development of gross motor skills, which is extremely important for the RPI. Gross motor development complex for children

3. You can independently install paid and free applications from the Play Store on it, thereby finding more and more new programs for teaching children and correcting their violations.

4. Our panels are sized to work with children at close range, so there are no large models in our range. But we accept orders for non-standard orders, including large diagonal Non-standard orders for interactive equipment

5. It is possible to conduct classes using the interactive panel with children who have reached the age of three and older. It can also be used in work with people with cerebral palsy, as an induced training of the affected hand, in children with mental retardation (formation of motivational behavior). Working with it, teaches you to perform certain movements, develops cognitive activity. And it is easy to operate the panel with your fingers (accepts up to 10 touches at the same time).

6. The panel is an excellent alternative to TVs, which are often bought in classrooms. With it, you can search for information on the Internet, start videos from YouTube, include material from a flash drive. This tool is capable of replacing TV, computer and classroom whiteboard.

7. Due to interactivity, the process of correction in the IRC and inclusive classes turns from an explanatory-illustrated one into an activity-based one, which increases the activity of children and the effectiveness of the work done.


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