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International scientific seminar on ASD


On March 29, 2023, the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, together with the Briolight company and the Academy of Special Pedagogy named after Maria Grzegozhevska (Warsaw), held a seminar-discussion “Overcoming educational barriers and social adaptation difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorders: practices of Ukraine and European countries”, organized for the World Autism Awareness Day.

The main speakers of the seminar, who presented the experience and achievements of Mykolaiv Oblast: Dmytro Prasol, Andrii Vasiliev, Lada Zakharova, as well as Polish colleagues: mgr Aleksandra Karwowska, dr Agnieszka Sielder, dr Anna Waligorska. Among the participants of the event are specialists who work with children and adults with autism spectrum disorders in Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, and Germany. During the work, simultaneous translation was carried out in 4 languages. With the support of the “Spokiy” project.

You can view the recording of the seminar at the link:

View participants’ presentations individually:

  • «Practical cases in the educational process of children with the autistic spectrum for the team of psychological and pedagogical support» Presentation
  • «Workout generator in the Briolight interactive platform as a factor in generalizing experience and increasing the effectiveness of the educational and correctional process» Presentation
  • «Innovative technologies as a tool for overcoming difficulties in the correctional and psychological-pedagogical process in children with the autistic spectrum» Presentation.    
  • “Therapy and education of children on the autistic spectrum in Poland. Good practices and evidence-based outcomes” Presentation
  • “Terapia dziecka z ASD w gabinecie logopedycznym” Abstract

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