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Interactive live floor with fish!

“Live floor with fish” is one of the most searched searches for our equipment on Google. It is searched for more than any other information about the Interactive Floor.

The fish effect is found on many interactive floors on the market. Firstly, it is a very aesthetic effect that will not leave anyone indifferent. Secondly, this effect, with the correct setting and selection of sound accompaniment, has a relaxing effect in the rehabilitation of children and adults.

Our Briolight equipment also has an effect on fish. Various specialists (including psychologists and rehabilitologists) were involved in setting it up and putting it into practice.

The effect has 3 difficulty settings:

  1.  The easy difficulty level has a calm background with sand, low fish speed and few fish. It is intended for those people who are not recommended to demonstrate bright changing colors (for example, epilepsy).
  2. The average level of difficulty is designed to be comfortable for most people who are undergoing a course of physical and psychological rehabilitation. It has a bright backdrop with coral reefs and medium speed fish.
  3. Difficult difficulty level designed for hyperactive kids who want to weather as big schools of fish as possible. The background remains from the previous difficulty level, but the number and speed of fish is much higher.

All difficulty levels have a calm soundtrack that is optimal for this effect. If necessary, using the remote control, you can turn off the sound completely or adjust its volume.

If you haven’t found the level of difficulty that you need, you can adjust the effect yourself: change the number of fish, their speed, their speed, the escape zone from a person, and much more.

The effect is so popular that it’s also on our interactive panel, and was recently adapted into an interactive sandbox!

To learn about other effects from our library, call the number listed in the “header” of the site.


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