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Interactive Technologies for Speechtherapy

equipment for speech therapists to buy

Therapists Speechpractice has in its arsenal technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and maximum correction of speech disorders. Modern speech therapy is on the verge of pedagogy, psychology and medicine, so it uses the most effective technologies of related sciences that help optimize the work of a speech therapist.

The use of information and computer technology in speech therapy provides feedback between the correctional and educational program and the child.

Experts have proven thatin children with speech pathology it is especially important to develop visual thinking. Reliance on the visual image is very important, because when reproducing the text, this image arises in the imagination and the child understands the text. According to the results of speech therapy monitoring, children showed positive dynamics in mastering the correct sound reproduction when using image visualization with the help of computer game technologies.

As practice shows, in recent years the number of children with language difficulties is growing. Standardized methods of correctional work do not always give the expected results, require time for preliminary training and do not involve children. In this regard, the search for new forms and methods has become a daily activity for speech therapists. Therefore, more and more often we began to receive requests for specialized speech therapy tools.

For more than 12 years, speech therapists have been using products from the interactive complex Briolight, which consists of an interactive projection floor, an interactive augmented reality sandbox, an interactive multitouch panel, an interactive development table, an interactive mirror with audio and video recording and other equipment.

In addition, in 2020 we have developed a package “Speech Therapy”, which focuses not on the primary work of a speech therapist, but to consolidate the material, control the dynamics of development, as well as to involve the child in learning by gamification classes. The effects from the “Speech Therapy” package have a professional Ukrainian voice acting and musical accompaniment. They were developed in the framework of scientific collaboration with practicing speech therapists and psychologists working with children with disabilities.

Advantages of using the interactive complex Briolight speech therapists:

  1. A professional solution for working with children, developed in conjunction with practicing speech therapists, including those who work with children with SEN. 
  2. Levels of difficulty (easy, normal, difficult) and additional individual settings of levels taking into account features of the child.
  3. Tools for monitoring the dynamics and tracking progress for each individual student. 
  4. Allowance to use in class author’s presentations, multimedia content, audio clips.
  5. Suitable for demonstration (fairy tales, excerpts from films, author’s presentations).
  6. Indispensable functions “Lesson Generator”, “Filter” and the ability to create individual folders for each student or group of students, with different authoring settings, which significantly speeds up the process of using the equipment in a limited time.
  7. A large library of exercises, diverse in content, areas, complexity.
  8. Adds information capacity, clarity, compactness, accessibility and emotional appeal, increasing the interest and motivation of the child.
  9. Helps provide emotional comfort in the classroom.

But note that interactive technologies are not designed to completely change the work of a speech therapist, but rather to improve and supplement it.



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