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Technological revolution in social rehabilitation

Technological revolution in social rehabilitation
Journal of Social Pediatrics and Rehabilitation
An article by Andrii Vasiliev, the owner of Briolight, on revolutionary rehabilitation equipment

In this article, we will consider the possibilities of developing means for rehabilitation from the point of view of the manufacturer of innovative electronic equipment in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0.

Over the past two hundred years, mankind has jerked to steam, electricity, and computers. Along with this, there was a gradual development of medicine and rehabilitation, the development of techniques that are now used in rehabilitation institutions for children and adults.

The fourth industrial revolution is currently taking place. It provides for the massive introduction of cyberphysical systems in human life. Klaus Schwab, founder and permanent president of the World Economic Forum in Davos, characterizes the scale of change as unprecedented in the history of mankind. Changes will affect everyone: a person’s relationship with the world, with himself and with other people will radically change. As developers of interactive systems, we expect this to lead to a significantly larger breakthrough in rehabilitology than the previous three stages.

On the one hand, the need of society for rehabilitation services will increase, as the 4.0 revolution carries significant risks of increasing instability. On the other hand, technological trends of this very revolution open up wide opportunities for the development of electronic equipment for rehabilitation and the corresponding transformation of methods with the aim of increasing their effectiveness.

For the future of rehabilitation, the most important modern technological trends are: the development of augmented and virtual reality, 3D printing and Big data.

Virtual and augmented reality tools allow you to create an individual “continuation” of the world for each person. For people with special needs, this “sequel” is more attractive than reality, motivates them to perform exercises.

At present, Ukraine has developed a number of interactive systems for rehabilitation. Ready-made solutions include: interactive projection floors and walls, large interactive LCD screens, systems based on Kinect and Leap Motion controllers. Over the next month, it is planned to launch two new products on the market: an interactive sandbox and an anatomical table. It is possible to transfer the techniques to augmented and virtual reality systems.

There is an experimental production of controllers for controlling pressure, light and movements, which creates individual solutions based on the ideas of doctors. With the help of 3D printing, we are able to create unique elements of cases, buttons and joysticks for interacting with a person. With a laser, we cut plastic and wooden elements to order.

Big data refers to the processing of large amounts of data. It is quite possible for us to give our products the functions that they will collect for research projects in rehabilitation.

Under the brand name “Briolight” (briolight.com), our team has been creating software, installing and maintaining rehabilitation solutions since 2007. At the moment, we have the technical ability to adapt rehabilitation techniques for their use with all known means of human-computer interaction.

Doctors and scientists in Ukraine have a unique opportunity to get advice, try equipment and take part in creating interactive programs that will be effective in the field of rehabilitation.

For centers and educational institutions, it is possible to complete systems with various types of interactivity, depending on the needs and specialization of institutions. The location of developers in Ukraine guarantees technical service for the smooth operation of complex equipment.

Technological revolution in social rehabilitation


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