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Interactive systems in social rehabilitation

Interactive systems in social rehabilitation
Journal of Social Pediatrics and Rehabilitation
An article by Andrii Vasiliev, the owner of Briolight, on the use of interactive equipment in rehabilitation

The Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities “Acme” and the Ukrainian electronics developer “Briolight” have implemented a joint project to create a unique interactive room in the new center for social rehabilitation in Kyiv, on the Olena Teliga Street, 37g.

Interactive systems add motivation to children with disabilities to update new movements and skills. They are recommended to be used to improve and motivate motor activity in children, as well as an element of the sensory integration technique in the complex of physical therapy in children with orthopedic pathology. The use of interactive systems has yielded positive results for children with a general violation of psychological development, children with Down’s syndrome and cognitive deficit. Interactive systems can be used by teachers and psychologists to develop the sensory sphere also in schools and kindergartens.

Room equipment includes modern virtual reality controls of all kinds, including:

1. An interactive floor and an interactive wall measuring 250×157 cm each with a wear resistant coating. They are large projection screens of high resolution, sensitive to the movement and movements of children along the surface of the floor and wall.
2. Kinect system on a 65-inch LCD panel. Transmits the coordinates of the human skeleton to an interactive application that presents them in a game form. Systems of this type make it possible to control applications using the movements of the arms, legs, and body.
3. The Leap Motion system, which with high accuracy captures the coordinates of the phalanges and wrists of both hands at a distance of up to 50 cm from the sensor located on the table. The graphic representation on the screen allows you to develop fine motor skills. For example, working with a virtual piece of clay that rotates, or the task of cutting off the petals of a virtual flower or flying over a map of the Earth, controlled by the position and tilt of the palm.
4. Large interactive LCD-screen with a diagonal of 108 cm. It is a large tablet on the Android operating system, mounted on a mobile vertical stand. This implementation allows you to use both existing Google Play programs designed for tablets and mobile; and to set tasks for programmers to create new programs based on effective treatment methods in any field of social pediatrics. The modular design of the complex allows you to connect additional equipment, including: microphones for speech therapy sessions, other sensors, buttons and joysticks, room lighting controllers.

The development and distribution of interactive equipment in Ukraine greatly expands the possibilities in the field of social rehabilitation.

The doctors have a unique opportunity to create interactive software that will be effective for the needs of rehabilitation. Formulating technical tasks and proposals directly to domestic developers of software and hardware systems.

For scientists, it becomes possible to create programs for collecting statistical data on the effectiveness of rehabilitation methods.

For centers and foundations in this area, it is possible to complete systems with various types of interactivity, depending on the needs and specialization of institutions. The location of developers in Ukraine guarantees technical service for the smooth operation of complex equipment.

Interactive systems in social rehabilitation


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