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How to remember more?

training children's memory interactive floor

Why is interactive floor an important learning tool

Scientists have proven that visual information is perceived and reproduced faster. This phenomenon is called the effect of the superiority of the image. Therefore, teachers often use supporting material to educate children. Why it is important for children we will tell in this article.

So, before they made home-made tables, posters and cards on which they visually placed the rule or sequence of actions, as well as photo examples or accompanying pictures. Then replaced the purchased printed or factory products, which visualized the information that children need: posters, banners, cards, puzzles and other items.

It was convenient and aesthetically pleasing, such tools gained demand and became indispensable in the lessons. However, the minus is that often these materials take up a lot of space, consist of several parts and get confused with each other, and also require preparation before work (fix on the board, distribute to children, collect all the components, conduct an explanatory conversation and put it back at the end) . So there was a need to combine all the visual accompanying materials in one place. For these purposes, Briolight developed an interactive floor in collaboration with educators.

Studies conducted several years ago showed that people are able to remember more than 2500 images, and the percentage of accuracy of their reproduction is 90%, although the participants in the experiment could see the image for only 10 seconds. Reproduction accuracy a year later was 63%. According to tests, if the data is submitted orally, a person remembers about 10% of them, after 72 hours. In the case of images, this indicator rises to 65%.

The training content of our software is accompanied by images. We recommend our equipment for training preschoolers and primary school children. During this period, it is extremely important to nourish children with basic knowledge and form a number of associations so that it is easier to cope with new information in high school. Our updated software is filled with a lot of effects that keep up with the school curriculum.

I would like to note the effects associated with understanding the time on the dial, the study of the flags of different countries, the effects on speech therapy and others that provide high-quality comprehensive development of the child. In addition to the direct use of the interactive floor in the classroom, it is also recommended to include it during breaks in order to involve children in a playful way in the learning process.

With its help, both individual and group classes (as well as team competitions) are conducted. Designers picked up a large amount of accompanying visual material for effective training. This approach creates a clear associative series for the child, and will be convenient for the teacher.


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