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Great Motor Development Complex for children

Great Motor Development Complex

What is a complex development of large motor skills

This is a large interactive (or non-interactive) screen with an optical sensor for detecting the coordinates of the human body in space and transferring them to correction software. This system transmits the coordinates of a person to an interactive application that presents them in a game form. Systems of this type make it possible to control applications using the movements of the arms, legs, and body.

At the moment, the function for marketing purposes was used by such giant companies as Puma (online clothing fitting), Coca-Cola (interactive showcase), Ikea (motivating mirror) and many others.

Purpose of using the complex

Briolight decided to introduce and use this technology for remedial purposes. Our applications help solve problems of improving coordination, large (general) motor skills and praxis problems in an easy way.

Large motor skills are all the coordinated movements of the body, legs, arms and everything that is associated with the work of large muscles (jumping, somersaults, walking). Subsequently, the development of small muscles is superimposed on large motility.

To date, a direct relationship between the mental development of the child and his physical health has been proven. As children develop, all complex physical movements are performed automatically. And if at 2 years the baby has to control his movements, then at 5 years old he performs them without difficulty.

However, sometimes children need additional stimulation of the development of general motility, and a uniform combination of this process with mental stress, in order to achieve the necessary balance. It is for such purposes that the Briolight interactive panel with the additional function of the large motor development complex is suitable.

Complete solution – customer benefits

If you plan to buy an interactive panel in your institution (kindergarten, school, RPI, etc.), then we recommend buying a panel with a large motor development complex.

Why is this feature needed on the panel?

  • if you install the panel, and after a while you will understand that you need such a tool, then in total you will pay more;
  • you will have two tools at once in one complex solution: a panel with its applications and functions, as well as a large motor development complex with its unique games and capabilities;
  • gesture control creates an additional wow effect. Such equipment will not leave anyone indifferent who sees it: children, teachers, parents, guests;
  • the technology is in the phase of active study and improvement, so it is more likely that the complex will be more significant and private, and it will be relevant for a long time to work.

At the moment, the development complex of large motor skills includes 6 applications, but by the end of 2020, Briolight plans to release a large platform update, and then about 100 effects from the platform will become available for this device.

The system is included in our interactive room. A turnkey resource room is developed individually by the company, and you can directly influence the amount of equipment and auxiliary items in it.

To purchase the complex separately, you need to contact our managers.


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