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Interactive equipment for education and rehabilitation of children

equipment for schools and irc

Briolight is the only manufacturer of interactive equipment in Ukraine with a full cycle, including research and engineering work. Our complexes are actively used in schools, kindergartens, shopping and entertainment centers, as well as in rehabilitation and inclusive institutions for the education and correction of children with disabilities. Such modern equipment allows to improve the efficiency of activities in all of the above areas. The assortment of the company includes: an interactive floor, an interactive panel, an interactive sandbox, as well as other elements that are part of an interactive room.

Interactive floor

Today Briolight floor is used in a very large number of areas. People call it by different names: interactive floor, touch floor, live floor, magic floor projection, touch carpet and that’s not all that we have heard. And each name is correct in its own way. With the help of a special technology, the projection that is created becomes sensory, which allows you to interact with the image, and children consider it magic.
Of all the possible areas, we decided to focus on education and rehabilitation. Our team has the ability to create complex educational effects, as well as effects for the rehabilitation of children with musculoskeletal disorders.
Each educational effect developed by us is aimed at solving specific problems, which together ensure the implementation of modern educational goals: the development of intellectual abilities in the process of cognitive research and involvement in the scientific and technical creativity of young children.
We implement such tasks using floor software:

  • solving mathematical problems, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;
  • development of logic and algorithmic thinking;
  • formation of the basics of programming;
  • planning development;
  • development of the ability to abstract and find patterns;
  • development of accentuation, schematization, typification;
  • developing the ability to assess one’s own process and compare it with someone else’s;
  • mastering ICT (information and communication technologies);
  • mastering media technologies.

As for working with children with special needs, our specialists have developed effects that allow working with children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, intellectual and mental development, autism spectrum, with impaired vision, hearing and speech.
It is important to understand that the effects may not improve hearing or vision in a child, but they are tailored for these children. Children often have several disorders at once (for example, musculoskeletal disorders + hearing impairment), so we took this into account for the Briolight interactive floor and software for it.
Purposes of using the interactive floor for the RPI:

  • improving balance, coordination of movements;
  • strengthening the muscles of the musculoskeletal system;
  • promotes the development of general motor skills;
  • balancing improvements;
  • formation and development of communication skills;
  • development of flexibility of thinking, cognitive activity.

First of all, the interactive floor is an exciting game, but the key point of using this technology is the ability of children with disabilities to interact with the virtual environment, and children without disabilities to master as much knowledge as possible in a more interesting way.

Interactive sandbox

The interactive sandbox is a less versatile tool at the moment. It is designed for the correction of children with special needs, but also adapted for the active study of geography for children of preschool and primary school age.
The main focus of the interactive sandbox is the development and / or restoration of fine motor skills in children and adults, as well as work with people with mental disorders.
Purposes of using the projection sandbox Briolight:

  • training of the affected hand in children with cerebral palsy;
  • for the formation of motivational behavior in children with mental retardation until the performance of certain movements, cognitive activity in general;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • accompaniment of psychological health;
  • development of imagination, flexibility of thinking and self-control;
  • recovery from a stroke.

In addition, the interactive sandbox allows you to have fun and explore geography. Despite the small number of games, our sandboxes are installed in several shopping and entertainment centers.
At the end of 2020, our team is preparing a major update for the sandbox software, along with it, games from the interactive floor for use in the interactive sandbox (over 100), as well as uniquely designed effects for working with sand (for example, building cities) will become available.

Interactive panel

An interactive panel is a device that can replace in schools and IRC: a computer; didactic / educational material (tables, cards, text sets, numbers, drawings with animals and plants, etc.); TV and demonstration posters.
Briolight panels are designed to work with children individually or in small groups, therefore their size is relatively small (80 and 109 cm). Psychologists say that larger panels will negatively affect not only the child’s learning process, but also his well-being from a long stay close.
The touch panel software is aimed at children. Briolight Panels have both our own effects and installed third-party applications. The list of programs for the panel is constantly reviewed by our psychologists, speech therapists and teachers.
But note that our multitouch screens have the ability to independently install applications from GooglePlay. Thus, you can significantly increase the number of programs and games that you will use, or add correction programs for adults.
The main areas of application of Briolight interactive panels are education and rehabilitation. Now our panels are being actively installed in schools and kindergartens, inclusive rehabilitation and correctional centers for children.
Purposes of using interactive panels in education and rehabilitation:

  • method of video communication;
  • visualization of the curriculum for better assimilation;
  • creating a gaming environment taking into account correctional tasks;
  • variety of presentation of educational materials;
  • regulation of difficulty, as well as the optimal pace of completing tasks by each child;
  • development of cognitive functions (development of visual and motor memory, development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking);
  • development of the speed of reactions;
  • the development of gross motor skills (along with the complex);
  • the formation of motivational behavior.

In addition, the panels can be used as a simple means for displaying information; it can include films, cartoons, information clips, video lessons, trainings, etc. It is possible to connect speakers, a camera, a microphone and a gross motor controller.


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