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Supportive sand therapy based on interactive sandbox

interactive sandbox

An interactive sandbox belongs to the unique modern equipment, which is intended not only for entertainment, but also as a therapy. It consists of a wall-mounted interactive unit and a sand container that sits on the floor. Sand therapy allows you to completely abstract, and also acts as a non-verbal form of psychocorrection. The Briolite projection sandbox is used for supportive therapy for:

  • disorders of the emotional, volitional sphere
  • psychological trauma
  • delayed speech development
  • hyperactive syndrome
  • leveling the symptoms of psychosomatic
  • children’s fears

Sand therapy sessions using an interactive sandbox are conducted by qualified specialists. This method of therapy is used for children who have reached the age of three, adolescents, and adults.
The difference between sand therapy with the help of our sandbox and other methods is that it allows you to create a world that opens the way to childhood dreams and fantasies. This world can be viewed, felt, experienced, changed, discussed and photographed. And it is also much more indicative than the world that a child can build on ordinary sand.

We offer equipment and software for it of our own design for sensory rooms, inclusive resource centers, entertainment and shopping centers, schools and kindergartens.
The use of an interactive sandbox is recommended during the active rehabilitation of children with disabilities. The use of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional equipment develops coordination, imagination, object symbolic thinking, and also contributes to the study of psycho-traumatic situations (at the symbolic level), the development of fine motor skills.

The sand therapy method is used in private practice, suitable for individual lessons, as well as for small groups, as an independent device or as part of a general program. The interactive sandboxes are powered by the unique Briolight software. The range of the company includes equipment for schools, kindergartens, entertainment, development centers for children and adults, as well as rehabilitation centers, specialized clinics (the Briolight S model is used).

The sandbox comes with a set of toys and can be made in custom sizes. Also with the sandbox, we supply quartz certified sand for setting, calibration and use. But in the future, you can replace it yourself with river or kinetic sand. However, its amount should be similar to how much sand was filled during installation.
If you are having difficulties using the sandbox, we recommend that you check out our article 10 games with an interactive sandbox.


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