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Technologies and STEM-trends in education

STEM education
The photo shows the equipment Briolight.
What is STEM education?

In education, the term “STEM” is often used – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. This is a modern teaching methodology using programs that prepares students for successful employment and contributes to the acquisition of skills in technology, mathematics, and science.

This approach combines the natural science component and innovative technology. So, technologies are used even in the study of creative, artistic disciplines. For example, the study of musicians takes place using computer programs to create musical works.

But not only musicians will succeed with STEM training. Industrial design, architecture, industrial aesthetics and many other areas are gaining popularity with STEM.

Our interactive floor, sandbox, panel and other products presented on the Ukrainian market can become tools for this type of training.

STEM in developed countries has been applied since elementary school.

How to understand that your child needs STEM?

If a child likes to collect LEGO, likes to play Minecraft, if he tries to get to a laptop and see what is behind the screen or under the keyboard, he is delighted with such series as The Big Bang Theory or he is a fan of Neil de Grasse Tyson, one of the most popular scientists today, then he is ready for STEM training.

But even if you did not find your children in this description, we still recommend thinking about STEM, because these trends are the future.

Children in STEM classes equipped with modern equipment can use the floor as an arena for models with radio control, work in virtual reality, QR codes, and thanks to the sandbox, realize all their fantasies into reality, which contributes to the development of mobility, imagination, and improvement of skills teamwork and socialization.

What doors will it open for children?

Become a part of the colony on Mars, because the actual expedition to Mars is approaching every day. Join the creation of a teleport, where they will shoot passengers who are sitting in capsules through a pipe above the ground. The developers say that this will be possible in four years. Communicate with robots, so let your child know the technique now, so that later he can control it.

Countries where STEM education is accepted: China, Canada, USA, Australia, Turkey.

The needs for STEM specialists grow 2 times faster than in other professions, because STEM develops the ability to research, analytical work, experimentation and critical thinking.


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