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Interactive technologies for a defectologist

Interactive technologies for a defectologist

Nowadays, there are many tools on the market that have been created to diversify the work of a defectologist, open new forms, methods of teaching and upbringing, and also revise approaches to organizing the process of classes with children. 

The introduction of modern interactive equipment for working with children with disabilities is very effective, since often such children, in addition to systemic underdevelopment of all components of the language system, have a deficit in the development of cognitive activity, thinking, verbal memory, attention, poor vocabulary, and insufficient understanding of the world around them. Interactive technologies provide the teacher-defectologist with an optimal set of tools that can be used to solve correctional problems.

To increase children’s motivation, as well as improve the quality of classes in children’s rehabilitation rooms, Briolight has developed equipment and professional software for it. For more than 12 years, defectologists have been using products from the Briolight interactive complex, which consists of an interactive projection floor, an interactive augmented reality sandbox, an interactive multi-touch panel, an interactive developing table, an interactive mirror with audio and video recording and other equipment.

But let us note that modern technologies were not created in order to completely change the work of a defectologist, but rather to improve and supplement it. 

Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and stereotyped elements of education, which have proven their effectiveness in the process of pedagogical and correctional activities.

And the effectiveness of using such equipment primarily depends on the skills of the specialist, the organization of the process, the goal and the chosen approach. 

To increase the effectiveness of defectological classes, a two-hemispheric approach to learning is used, when verbal methods are combined with visual ones. 

Choosing professional equipment Briolight for working with children with disabilities, the specialist gets the opportunity to apply promising technologies with the possibility of individual correction of teaching exercises, while providing each child with an adequate pace of mastering the material. The settings of all exercises from the Briolight software are very flexible and can be adjusted for children with different characteristics (for example, in the effect on the activation and development of the musculoskeletal system and “Moles” attentiveness, the holes can be placed so that the child can enter the play area on a wheelchair (in the shape of the letter P)).

Advantages of the interactive complex Briolight for defectologists:

  1. Professional solution for the process of children’s rehabilitation, developed in cooperation with practicing defectologists, psychologists and speech therapists. 
  2. Fixed levels of difficulty (easy, normal, difficult), and in addition, all activities can be individually adjusted to suit the individual characteristics of the child.
  3. Suitable for monitoring dynamics and tracking progress for each specific student. 
  4. Helps to keep the motivated and interested childin the correction process. 
  5. Helps the child to feel the opportunity to achieve success and independence. 
  6. A variety of educational material can be divided into individual folders for each student, which significantly speeds up the process of using the equipment in conditions of limited lesson time. 
  7. The Briolight kit usesonce several analyzers at (“see”, “hear”, “feel”).
  8. A large library of exercises, varied in content, directions, difficulty, to navigate in which will help the functions “Filter” and “Activity Generator”.
  9. It can be used by a teacher-defectologist to demonstrate multimedia presentations, photo / video / audio material. 
  10. They bring the effect of clarity to the lesson, adding information capacity, compactness, accessibility, visibility and emotional attractiveness. 

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of Briolight products by defectologists in Ukraine has shown good results. Experts note that the equipment not only increased the quality of classes and the motivation for learning in children, but also facilitated the work of a defectologist, creating ample opportunities for the formation of a developing environment in the classroom without using a large amount of additional material. 


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