Experience innovative technology that cures people
MedTech: rehabilitation centers and hospitals
EdTech: inclusive centers, schools and kindergartens
For digital rehabilitation and inclusive education. Developed in Ukraine. Applicable in any country. MedTech & EdTech. Our technology helps to create unique commercial solutions and social projects all over the world
There are many more patients with mental and physical disorders, and not enough doctors
Automate and digitize the work of rehabilitation facilities in order to increase their efficiency
Methods, interactive devices and software with multiple interactive workouts for correction
The solution complements work with post-covid, post-stroke, post-traumatic disorders, inorganic damage to the nervous system
Musculoskeletal, mental and intellectual, autism, hearing, vision, speech. Patients of any age
Up to 10: interactive floor, interactive sandbox, touch panel, kinesiological controllers, voice therapy mirror, metronomes, gyroscopes
Hospitals, rehabilitation and inclusive centers, schools & kindergartens all over the world
Sales, rent, social projects. Medical consulting, engineering, personnel training, scientific research
Playful, not boring, motivation, multiple interacting, many workouts per device, updateable
Briolight DIRS is a cutting edge platform for digital rehabilitation and inclusion. Developed by an alliance of Ukrainian universities and companies. Already implemented 500+ successful projects and received a great therapeutic result in Ukraine. Avaliable worldwide.
Commercial projects include: sales, rent, medical consulting and engineering, cloud services. Social projects spectrum: charity projects, churches, psychological, inclusive, cultural, creative, educational.
Briolight value chain includes: scientific research, software development, hardware production, sales & marketing, installation & support. We have a great team of experts in digital correction. We have been experts in electronics for 15 years.
Development of innovative methods of digital interactive correction and adaptation of effective non-digital methods to digital ones
A great team with unique experience in digital rehabilitation and inclusion will help implement digital to automate customer processes
Our proprietary software is adaptable to the specific needs of any client. We customize existing interactive workouts and can add new techniques for you
Production of serial and individual products by experienced engineers. Ready to ship and licensed production worldwide
Initial training of the customer's personnel for effective work. Regular individual professional development and retraining
Engineering and consulting ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Flexible terms of equipment configuration, software licensing, leasing, payback calculations
We have a great traction with scientific publications, many reviews and a good press. Every day we create new products and improve existing ones.