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Correction of psychophysical development of children with special educational needs by means of augmented reality of the interactive platform Briolight


The article highlights the use of tools of the interactive platform Briolight as an effective means of correction of disorders of psychophysical development of children with special educational needs. The use of Briolight interactive tools is based on the provisions of integrated involvement of leading analyzers.

The main characteristics of the tools and the content of the specified technology are determined. The peculiarities of using the following tools of the Briolight interactive platform are revealed: interactive floor, interactive wall, interactive sandbox, interactive panel, complex of large motility development, complex of small motility development, interactive speech therapy mirror, interactive metronome, interactive gyroscopes, etc. The appropriateness of using the tools of the interactive platform Briolight in correctional and developmental work with children with mental and physical disabilities is substantiated. The functions of the teacher who uses this technology in correctional and developmental work are outlined.

Prospects in the in-depth and detailed study of the effectiveness of this tool in the training of teachers of educational institutions and inclusive resource centers are identified.

Correction of psychophysical development of children with special educational needs by means of augmented reality of the interactive platform Briolight 


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