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Servicing Briolight Interactive Products

Interactive equipment

Briolight interactive products are high-tech electronic equipment created for correctional and educational purposes by a large team of specialists. Their design, compatibility of components, software were developed and tested in Ukraine by our experienced employees. Worked on it: designers, programmers, engineers, teachers, psychologists, testers, assemblers, designers. Therefore, like any complex and expensive equipment, it requires proper care and maintenance.

When buying a car, we know that we must do scheduled maintenance, when buying an expensive phone, we wrap it in a cover, protective glass and do not forget to wipe it off dirt and dust. The same is with our interactions. In order to ensure long-term work, you need to properly monitor it and treat it with care.

During installation, we tell you that the interactive floor must be turned off for 15 minutes every 4 hours, we tell you that sand cannot be thrown into the interactive block of the sandbox, we tell you that you should not shake the rack with the panel too much. And most importantly, we tell you that we recommend cleaning the interactive floor and sandbox blocks 1-2 times a year, depending on the frequency of use.
Serious equipment requires a serious attitude towards it, and we will gladly take care of preventive cleaning, put your institution in the installation plans and come to service it.

How will this help you?

This will get rid of potential problems, ensure high-quality, uninterrupted operation of systems. The service includes:

  • troubleshooting
  • cleaning from dust and dirt;
  • replacement of damaged components;
  • replacement of auxiliary elements;
  • software update;
  • reinstalling software;
  • prevention of possible problems;
  • elimination of other issues.

Interactive equipment is a complex system that includes innovative technologies, therefore, it is simply impossible to independently identify the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it, without the necessary knowledge, experience, components.
It is also worth considering that the device has three warranty seals. If you open the case yourself, the integrity of the warranty seals will be compromised, which will void the warranty. This is done in order to limit the access of unqualified specialists to the interactive block. Any external action can directly affect the performance of the equipment and its service life. Therefore, as part of the warranty, do not open the interactive floor or sandbox enclosure yourself.

When using interactive panels, sandboxes, floors, it should be remembered that only qualified specialists must perform their maintenance.
Our company, offering interactive equipment of its own production for children’s institutions, rehabilitation, inclusive centers, is the only one in Ukraine with a full production cycle in the country. Therefore, the performance of service even after the expiration of the warranty is also recommended by our specialists.


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