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Preparing equipment by September 1

maintenance of interactive equipment

When there is less than a month before the start of the school year, it’s time for directors (and teachers) to make sure that all the equipment in the institution is working and the offices are ready to receive children.

With many years of practice, every September our technical support receives a lot of calls. This happens for several reasons:

  1. Personnel changes and untrained specialists begin to work with the equipment.
  2. The equipment has not been used for a long time and the technical features of its use have been forgotten.
  3. During the equipment downtime, there were power surges that caused the host computer to put the equipment into safe mode.
  4. It’s time for maintenance (cleaning from dust and dirt, replacing components, etc.).
  5. Desire to update the software and increase the set of existing programs.

Most of these reasons can be resolved remotely, but some require the direct presence of our specialists. In order to start working with Briolight equipment in a timely manner, we recommend that you conduct a test run in August and make sure that it is in good working order and that you are ready to work with it. 

The sooner we receive information about the need for warranty or post-warranty service, the more likely the technician will have time to visit the establishments before September 1.

Useful information: When buying a software update for an interactive floor or a sandbox, service (cleaning from dust and dirt) is free (the promotion is valid at the time of publication of the article, check the deadline with the manager by phone). 



lifecell 063-258-15-15

Kyivstar 067-258-15-15

Vodafone 050-258-15-15

Technical support:

+380 93-355-10-01 (Borisov Mykhailo)


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