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The place of computer technology in the work of a speech therapist

The place of computer technology in the work of a speech therapist

Briolight interactive speech therapy mirror with video and audio recording function. The Briolight correction platform with speech therapy exercises is pre-installed on the mirror, as well as Windows software, which allows you to use it as a regular computer outside of class.


Speech therapy, like all other education, does not stand still, it is developing rapidly, new technologies, techniques and tools appear. Speech therapy practice has in its arsenal technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and maximum correction of speech disorders. Modern speech therapy is on the border of pedagogy, psychology and medicine, therefore it uses the most effective technologies of related sciences that help optimize the work of a speech therapist.

In modern speech therapy practice, in the presence of conditions, technologies and tools that are not traditional for speech therapy are actively used. And the trend to use innovative tools has a number of advantages:

  • New technologies open up new opportunities; modern speech therapy practice is characterized by the search and implementation of new effective technologies that help optimize the work of the teacher-logopedist.
  • Fits harmoniously into the work and does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness.
  • They are a diagnostic tool, give the teacher an opportunity to assess the level of the child’s assimilation of the passed material.
  • Often, modern tools are of the nature of a complex effect, not only develop speech, but contribute to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

The use of information and computer technologies in speech therapy work (a combination of didactic material and gaming capabilities of a computer) provides a visual presentation of information, providing feedback between the correctional and educational program and the child, the ability to form an individual style of work.

In turn, this allows:

  • To increase the growth of motivation and interest of children in classes.
  • Reinforce the material covered.
  • Reduce the time spent preparing for the lesson and explaining the problem to the child.
  • Individualize the process of correctional education (content, level of complexity, pace, etc.).
  • Develop visual-motor coordination.
  • To intensify the mental activity of children.
  • Contribute to positive development dynamics.
  • Development of phonemic perception.
  • Development of auditory memory.
  • Development of visual and auditory attention. 
  • Fixing the primary and tint colors. 

In children with speech pathology, it is especially important to develop visual-figurative thinking. The reliance on a visual image is very important, since when the text is reproduced, this image appears in the imagination and the child understands this text. According to the results of speech therapy monitoring, children showed positive dynamics in mastering the correct sound pronunciation when using visualization of images with the help of computer game technologies.

Also, these technologies are extremely useful at the stage of repetition and consolidation of educational material. The main goal of using computer gaming technologies in speech therapy practice is to increase motivation for classes, increase the effectiveness of correctional work and develop curiosity, but these are not their only advantages.

As practice shows, in recent years, the number of children who have speech difficulties is growing. Standardized methods of remedial work do not always give the expected results, require time-consuming preliminary preparation and do not involve children. In this regard, the search for new forms and methods has become a daily activity for speech therapists for children at different age stages and with different educational needs. 

Innovative technologies are introduced, new, highly effective methods and tools, techniques. But it’s important to remember. that innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are only an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies.

Of the modern techniques, it is worth highlighting the following:

In Su-Jok therapy (palm massage with special balls), the games “One – Many” and “Say affectionately” are often used. With such games, you can simultaneously develop fine motor skills and automate the delivered sound. To do this, when working with a certain sound during the massage, the text corresponding to the sound is pronounced. We adapted these games in our Briolight software to work on an interactive speech therapy mirror and on the floor. To work on the floor, the child will have to move a lot, which will develop his musculoskeletal system, and the same massage balls can be used to work with a mirror, but the visual addition makes the game more interesting and effective for memorizing new words, since it leaves vivid images in memory. 

With music therapy, the tone of the cerebral cortex increases, which causes pleasant emotions, stimulates blood circulation and respiration. This technique helps to form the skill of listening and analyzing the sound of melodies. It can be realized through listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments (real or computer programs that imitate them).

Regular introduction of such exercises will allow you to: 

  • Develop correct speech breathing.
  • Develop general fine and articulatory motor skills.
  • Improve phonemic hearing.
  • To form the ability to change the modulation of the voice.
  • Improve the rhythmic and intonational side of speech. 
  • Normalizes the emotional state.
  • Development of a sense of rhythm.  
  • Stimulation of auditory perception.

This technique can be used as an element of a thematic lesson during dynamic pauses or as a separate lesson. Children can sit at the table or on the carpet. Movements and speech material should not be previously memorized, but are carried out in imitation of a speech therapist. Exercises should be emotionally saturated, playful, contain images or reincarnations.

It can be realized through the use of an interactive panel, which includes many music programs or an interactive floor, which is saturated with musical accompaniment for activation and relaxation (depending on the effects).

Isotherapy is also a very useful area. Since, the richer the sensorimotor abilities of children, the more developed are the centers of speech. Isotherapy classes help a person to express themselves and realize themselves in creativity. The purpose of this technique is the development of coherent speech, articulation apparatus and fine motor skills. The technique can be implemented on an interactive panel or an interactive sandbox.

Fairytale therapy is a separate branch of psychotherapy, which consists in using the fairytale form for the speech development of the personality, expanding consciousness and improving interaction through speech. This technique involves not only using stories that have already been invented, but also creating your own. In the interactive mode “Build a city” on the interactive sandbox, you can use this technique more effectively. 

Sand therapy also promotes better speech correction and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere. This technique uses both verbal and non-verbal means. This type of therapy contributes to:

  • Improving the skills and abilities of practical communication. 
  • Enrichment of vocabulary. 
  • The development of coherent speech.
  • Encouraging children to take action, develop imagination and imaginative thinking. 
  • The level of muscle tightness and psychoemotional tension decreases.
  • Independence is formed, the ability to provide assistance, to show care and attentiveness.

However, the method has contraindications:

  • skin diseases,
  • injuries on the hands (scratches, cuts),
  • the presence of bronchial asthma or dust allergies.

The updated interactive sandbox Briolight 2021 includes not only a standard mode for playing and implementing the technique, but also additional modes for educational tasks and psychology (Volcano, Geography, Mars, Moon).


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