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Which room to choose for an interactive floor?

Buy interactive floor Ukraine

Installing an interactive floor is a very important process. The convenience of work with the equipment and its service life depends on it. The cost of installation of complex electronic equipment sometimes reaches 20,000 UAH, depending on the height of the room and the complexity of the surface to which it is attached. But Briolight carries out installation and adjustment of the equipment free of charge. Therefore, in this article we would like to give advice on choosing a room in which to use the interactive floor, so that the installation was quick, high quality and without pitfalls. 


Let’s start with the fact that the Briolight interactive floor is an expensive equipment for schools, kindergartens and IRC. Below we will consider the options for the premises in which we had to carry out installations in educational institutions.  


Assembly Hall


Accessibility of all children and teachers to the equipment.

Most often, good repairs (strong ceiling, good and smooth floor surface).

The presence of a large number of sockets for connecting equipment. 


There are often high ceilings (the optimal ceiling height for the installation of an interactive floor is 3 meters).

Impossibility to darken the room. 

High passability, which can affect the condition of white stage linoleum. 




Accessibility of all children and teachers to the equipment.

Most often, the standard ceiling height.


High passability, which can affect the condition of white stage linoleum.

Impossibility to darken the room. 

No sockets for connecting equipment. 




Accessibility of all children and teachers to the equipment.


Often there are irregularities on the floor surface. 

Most often, the ceilings are too high (the optimal ceiling height for the installation of an interactive floor is 3 meters).

No sockets for connecting equipment. 

Impossibility to darken the room. 




Can be a constant tool of one teacher for daily use. 

Usually, the optimal height of the room.

Ability to darken the room when using. 

Full immersion of the teacher in the functions and capabilities of the equipment. 

The presence of a socket in the required availability. 


Limited access of other children and teachers to the equipment. 




May be the best place to work with children with disabilities.

Accessibility of all children and teachers to the equipment.

Most often, the optimal height of the room.


May interfere with the standard function of the library, as work with the equipment is loud and requires darkening of the room. 

Lack of sockets in the required availability. 


Interactive / sensory room (therapy room) 


May be the best place to work with children with disabilities.

It is possible to darken the room.

Accessibility of all children and teachers to the equipment.

Optimal ceiling height. 

The presence of a socket in the required availability. 


Rare in schools, kindergartens.

The pros and cons are described based on our experience and are not mandatory for your institution. Therefore, you must choose the best room for you. If you have doubts, you can send a photo of several rooms to us, and our technicians will choose the best for installation of an interactive floor.

What you need to know:

The height of the room. The height should be up to 5 meters. If the ceiling height is more than 3 m, the interactive unit will be mounted on special spokes. If the height of the room is more than 5 meters, there may be additional installation costs. 

Ceiling type. The interactive unit cannot be mounted on a stretch ceiling. A strong concrete floor is required for installation. However in our practice there were installations with a stretch ceiling, in this case it is necessary to deduce spokes and the socket at a stage of installation of a stretch ceiling. 

Socket. The socket must be at a distance of not more than 3 meters from the installation site of the equipment. The cost of the equipment includes a cable channel for such a distance. If your socket is further than 3 m, notify our company in advance. 

Electricity requirements. It must be possible to completely de-energize the equipment (separate machine). In addition, grounding is recommended. If you know that there are frequent power outages in your locality, we can include a voltage stabilizer in the delivery set, which will help keep the equipment working. 

Floor type. If the floor surface is not suitable for high-quality display of the material, we provide free quality white stage linoleum. However, you should choose a room with a flat surface so that the projection does not cause errors from depressions or humps, and to exclude the possibility of injury to the child. 

Windows. Projection systems like eclipses. We use high-quality and powerful projectors, so the image even without dimming will be clear and explicit, but for better immersion, we recommend installing blinds, shutters or curtains. 


Be careful when choosing a room for mounting an interactive floor, as you will not be able to reassemble the interactive unit yourself. 

Read also our other articles on this topic: 

Choice of installation site

Installation of interactive floor Briolight


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