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Advantages and Disadvantages Anatomy Table

Anatomy table Ukraine

The study of human anatomy is an important part of the medical student curriculum. Usually, for these purposes, firstly, textbooks on anatomy and anatomyatlases are used, and after a while academic institutions move on to teaching using human corpses. This is an integral part of medical school education, which cannot be ruled out despite its shortcomings (for example, experts mentioned that health problems are the main disadvantage of using corpses, since it has been proven that exposure to chemicals for embalming affects human health). But we managed to improve the first stage, the study of anatomy with the help of paper material. 

To date, computer technology has provided an alternative to images of a person, his systems, and their connections from textbooks. The Anatomy Imaging Table provides students with the ability to view accurate human images, which additionally allow even the deepest structures and connections to be observed. Students can see the placement and interaction of structures for a holistic view. Such a table can be used to visualize not only anatomy, but also pathology. Students who have already studied with the help of the table argue that visualization of pathology using 3D models is more convenient for studying, and in addition, studying the body and its systems, compared to simply viewing images from a textbook or an Anatomy atlas, is very convenient and more revealing.

The Briolight Anatomy Table is equipped with numerous pre-defined pathological examples that can be used to evaluate and compare normal and abnormal anatomical structures. 

However, some people argue that these images are still two-dimensional and prevent students from interacting with the corpse. Let us examine the advantages and disadvantages of anatomy imaging from the Briolight company. 

Advantages of using an Anatomy table

1. Ability to view anatomy in the reconstructed plane and cross-sectional plane compared to viewing still images in a textbook.

2. Ability to rotate and dissect anatomy to better visualize various body systems.

3. Ability to visualize anatomy / pathology in relation to surrounding tissues / organs.

4. A large library of material for the preparation of students 2000 prepared slides with descriptions, 1500 audio recordings on medicine and anatomy, 200 hours of lectures, 1500 animations on topics: cardiology, dentistry, ophthalmology, orthopedics, fitness, covering: pathologies, conditions, procedures, diagnostics, treatment

5. Virtual marker and text notes that can be done right during the lesson over the image of the body or organ with the function of saving and fixing. 

6. Search function of all related bodies, slides and videos under the name of a single body. 

7. Helps to avoid early contact of an untrained student with a real human corpse.  

8. The software of the Anatomy table is regularly updated via the Internet. Therefore, students will always receive up-to-date information and modern developments. 

9. A premium product that will attract attention to the educational institution, both Ukrainian and foreign students. 

Disadvantages of using the Anatomytable

1. Lack of the Ukrainian language. Anatomy table Briolight uses the best American software, which is not adapted for the Ukrainian language. For most teachers and medical students, English is not a problem, but it should be taken into account when purchasing. 

2. Lack of an animal model. To date, the program does not include an anatomy model of the animal, but this function may be added in future updates. 

3. Inability to view positron emission tomography or ultrasound images.

4. Skepticism of some teachers regarding the rationality of the use of the Anatomytable during the preparation of students. 



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