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Using the Interactive Sandbox

Briolight augmented reality sandbox

Interactive sandbox activities are good for the mental and emotional development of children. In the process of such an activity, the child can relax, calm down, get pleasant impressions and positive emotions.

In 2021, Briolight has developed a set of fun modes for its interactive projection sandbox (Ecology, Coloring, Cities, Underwater World, Mars, Moon, Volcano and others), which help in teaching children with SEN, reveal the inner potential and natural abilities of preschoolers. 

Briolight augmented reality sandbox is a progressive tool that will make any educational process interesting, fun, useful and productive.

Benefits of using an interactive sandbox

1. Preparation of preschoolers, the formation and disclosure of the creative and mental potential of the child.

2. Reducing stress, psycho-emotional stress, hyperactivity.

3. Dealing with fears, psychological trauma, family and other conflicts.

4. Development of communication skills, socialization of children with OOP in the society of other children, group work. 

5. Sandbox work interacts with 3 analyzers: auditory, tactile, visual.

6. Improving visual memory, concentration, attention.

7. Children with SEN are able to better understand the world around them.

8. Development of all cognitive functions (memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, spatial gnosis, constructive praxis).

How to use the interactive sandbox 

The interactive sandbox works by studying the height of the sand. So, if a child digs a hole, then the color of the sand is illuminated in blue, and if he levels the sand, making a clearing, then it becomes green like grass. In addition, there are special modes for children where children can be treasure seekers or get into the atmosphere of the bustle of the city with the appropriate voice acting, which in real life is so scary, to visit the Moon or Mars.

In general, all games and effects can be categorized as follows:

Artistic. Creating your own world, pictures, drawing, effects for creativity and broadcasting your emotions and mood. 

Developing. Games for the development of thinking, memory, attention, subjects of the school curriculum or the preparation of preschoolers.

Relaxation. Modes through which psychologists or teachers can relieve emotional and muscle tension in children, as well as excessive physical activity, anxiety and aggression.

Development of motor skills. Games that promote the development of fine motor skills and the correction of ineffective behaviors.

Classes with the interactive sandbox Briolight help psychologists, teachers and other professionals to involve children in the course of the class, which contributes to a full-fledged personality formation. Such equipment is used to prepare for teaching reading, writing, mathematics and other disciplines.


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