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Advantages and Disadvantages of Interactive Table

Interactive table Briolight buy Ukraine

Interactive table Briolight is assembled on the basis of interactive panel Briolight in the form factor of the table. Its technical characteristics are fully consistent with the characteristics of the interactive panel, which can be viewed on the product page “Touch panel Briolight”, but the horizontal arrangement of the panel has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Today there is a clear trend towards the introduction of interactive equipment in preschool and school educational institutions, which is used for the learning process of children. Such modern technologies are represented by interactive tables and panels, a living projection floor, augmented reality sandbox, and some other equipment. 

The effective integration of such tools allows you to take learning in the institution to a new level, and strike a balance between traditional learning and the multimedia environment that surrounds children today. 

This approach not only opens up new opportunities for children, but also improves the working conditions of a teacher who can quickly and efficiently preserve and refine educational material.

So, for example, a defectologist gets a good tool without additional construction of didactic games, handout cards and other little things that they use every day for work. A creative educator may use such equipment for music and drawing lessons. The mathematics teacher can check the material passed by quick interactive tests that easily involve students in the process of solving them. 

Let’s take a closer look at the interactive table. 

The Briolight interactive table is a large touch panel (108 cm diagonal), which is not presented on a mobile stand, but is framed in a durable and stable table case with a wireless Internet connection. This table is equipped with a powerful computer and supports multitouch technology. This technology allows you to work with several children at once with one device. In addition, the table includes specially developed software aimed at preschoolers and primary schools, as well as the ability to independently replenish the list of games for use. Now, in total, the Briolight Interactive Table has 130 main programs and several additional ones that are already installed on it when the client receives the table. 


Let’s define the main disadvantages of the table in comparison with other interactive equipment:

  • Work with small groups. If you are planning to work with groups of children larger than 6 people, it is better to consider other equipment options. The table is not intended for educational use with an oversized group of children.  
  • Training. Not every teacher or IRC employee is ready to work with a desk here and now. It often takes time for the teacher to explore all of his possibilities, to plan work with him as part of the lesson. After a month of active use, the table will become indispensable in the process of training. 
  • Cost. An Interactive Table is more expensive than an Interactive Panel, so if your budget is limited, it’s better to consider the panel. But if you compare the cost of a table with an interactive floor, then the disadvantage becomes an advantage. 


Despite the presence of some disadvantages, we can also highlight the clear advantages of an interactive table:

  • Efficiency. Already now, the use of interactive tables in the learning process shows 2 times more efficiency in learning new material and attracting children to classes. 
  • A wide range of applications. Using one tool, you can study mathematics, natural history, languages, develop logical thinking and creativity. And that’s not all.
  • Socialization. IRC teachers who use this tool argue that the socialization of their pupils has improved in the process of working together on group and pair assignments on an interactive table.
  • The attractiveness of the process. Briolight’s interactive table software has collected a lot of exciting games. Together with technology unusual for children, a WOW effect is achieved that inspires children and encourages them to better master new knowledge.
  • Lack of negative experience. Briolight specialists have developed software that eliminates criticism of the child. The effects wait patiently for the user to answer the question, and in case of an incorrect answer, he says: “Try again,” which does not indicate a child’s mistake, but stimulates him to find the correct answer. 
  • Reducing the cost of teaching material and its storage. All games on the interactive table can be divided into folders in which it will be easy for the teacher to navigate. Plus, you can add your applications, presentations or files electronically at any time. This saved the teacher’s personal money, the school’s money, as well as storage space for all materials. 
  • Additional features. In addition to the immediate tasks that are recommended to be performed using the interactive table, the teacher can use it as a means of displaying text, videos, presentations or audio material.
  • Side benefits. Experts say that the use of an interactive table has a positive effect on the development of visual memory, thinking, attentiveness, and also contributes to the development of visual impairments (oculomotor, binocular, etc.).
  • Compactness. Compared to an interactive floor or an interactive sandbox, a table takes up no more space than a desk for two children. Therefore, it will be appropriate anywhere.
  • The reputation of the institution. The practice of using such tables has proven that conducting classes on it increases the activity and ensures the cheerfulness of children, making their stay in an educational institution more enjoyable. 

We consider the Briolight interactive table as a non-standard version of the interactive panel release, therefore, a separate page on the site for this product is not provided. If we talk about the cost, then we have developed several options for the case for the interactive table:

  • premium (shown in the photo), its price is +30 000 UAH to the current price of the interactive panel;
  • budget (photo on request), its price is +10 000 UAH to the current price of the interactive panel.

In conclusion, it should be said that despite the presence of shortcomings, a tool such as an interactive table offers much more opportunities for educational institutions. The development of interactive technologies makes it possible to understand that in our time such equipment is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for teaching children. 


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