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Interactive room “Smiley TNPU” in Ternopil

“Smiley-TNPU” so cheerfully called the interactive development room, which was solemnly opened today by students and teachers of Ternopil National Pedagogical University.

The FPP team of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education won funding from the British Council and the #TNPU Rector’s Office for the implementation of an incredible project: a children’s interactive and developmental playroom “Smiley TNPU”.

The interactive development room includes equipment from Briolight Interactive floor. The project has several missions – educational and social. Our goal is the development of preschool and primary school children through developmental, educational and entertaining activities.

An interactive room – “Smiley TNPU” was opened in Ternopil. This is a social project of pedagogical university students. The room is designed to work simultaneously with 15 children.



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