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Interactive wall Briolight

Interactive Wall

There are not many products on our site (interactive floor, sandbox and panel), but they are all mass-produced, usually in our warehouse and can be delivered quickly to the buyer. But in addition to the sale of these products, we are also asked to implement non-standard and individual projects. Some of them include the Interactive Wall project.

Recently, our team visited Kharkiv, where we again implemented this idea in a private entertainment center. 

What are the advantages of an interactive wall?

  1. Touch-sensitive projection. You can interact with the projection wall with your hands and fingers, as well as with the use of additional tools (pointer, ball, etc.).
  2. Control without remotes and mice as on the touch panel. Interactive effects can be turned on, off by tapping (for example, to exit the effect you need to double-click in the upper right corner).
  3. Large library of effects. There are 150 Briolight interactive effects installed on the interactive wall (their number can be reduced or increased depending on the tasks and budget). 
  4. Training and correction exercises. In addition to the entertainment effects in the interactive wall software, there is a lot of material for training and rehabilitation. For example, the Correctional Program for the Development of Subject Perception “Wild Animals”, which was developed by the Briolight team specifically for the leading rehabilitation institutions in Ukraine. 

The interactive wall combines the advantages of a projective interactive floor and an interactive panel with its touch control. Among other things, the interactive wall also has free access to the Internet (if the institution has access to it), so you can easily present presentations, play videos on YouTube and other sites, as well as display other material.  

But, from the moment of the order to installation of an interactive wall passes much more time. We recommend that you contact us at least a month before the date when you want to use the wall at work (opening an entertainment room, presentation of an interactive wall in the IRC, a festive event in the mall, etc.). 

For more information about the interactive projection wall, as well as additional material (photos and videos), call tel. (063/067/050) 258 15 15. 


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