School of the future
The concept of “interactivity” has firmly entered the life of modern man, and is used in various fields. Education was no exception, because thanks to interactivity, the school familiar to many has turned into a “school of the future”, which children attend with great pleasure. How does it differ from ordinary school institutions? We will tell in this article.
The main elements of the educational process in the school of the future, of course, is modern high-tech interactive equipment. This is represented by Briolight on the Ukrainian market. All multimedia systems of our own production, in the development of which the best specialists of medical and technical faculties of Ukrainian universities participate – doctors, engineers, as well as teachers.
The use of modern gadgets and interactive equipment for the new generation is a very important point, because they:
– provide full interaction with the child, involve him in the developmental and educational process;
– provide training material in a variety of ways, causing the interest of the child;
– allow you to adjust the degree of difficulty of the tasks, the optimal pace of their completion by each child.
Our equipment and learning effects for it are designed specifically for teaching children of preschool and primary school age. Each product has its own focus and unique capabilities. An interactive sandbox is perfect for learning the basics of geography; for solving logical problems and tests, a panel; for learning languages, we created a lot of effects for an interactive floor.
But it should be clarified that each product also has many other effects from various school subjects: mathematics, literature, programming, music, art and much more.
In developed countries, there is such a thing as STEM – education, which is a modern teaching methodology using special programs that prepare students for successful employment, contributing to the acquisition of skills in technology, mathematics, and science. It is STEM – education that successfully uses innovative technologies, which include an interactive floor, sandbox, panel.
Today, innovative technologies are an excellent alternative to a computer, projector, TV. In an entertaining way, they allow the child to study history, literature, geography, English, better learn the material learned, develop various skills in children (memory, logic, thinking, attention, imagination, others), teach them to make decisions independently, to work in a team. Learning using interactive devices helps to create a connection between technologies and the world around the child, and does not require sitting at a desk from the beginning until the end of the lesson.