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3D mapping: how to create interactive projection

Interactive sandbox Briolight Ukraine

Briolight Interactive Product Principles

3D mapping technology is audio-visual content and is a 3D projection, with which it is possible to project various videos, images, on any surface. The use of this technology has changed the idea of ​​advertising, education, rehabilitation, and, of course, the entertainment industry.

One of the modern products created on the basis of 3D mapping technology is the interactive floor and sandbox, presented in the Briolight assortment. Interactive products Briolight is an in-house development of our company, which was created by the best specialists: psychologists, speech therapists, educators, designers and programmers.

They created interactive projections as interesting entertainments for children’s institutions, entertainment, development centers, as well as for advertising purposes. But today, such products are actively used in schools, kindergartens, as well as in rehabilitation and inclusive centers for working with children with disabilities. The use of a projection sandbox and a smart floor with 3D mapping technology contributes to the overall development of children and also increases the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures.

A unique feature of 3D mapping technology is that as long as the person does not fall under the beam of the projector, the projection is in a calm state, but as soon as the arm, leg, other part of the body falls under the beam, the projection comes to life, and the image begins to interact with the person.

The use of high-tech interactive equipment in rehabilitation ensures the comprehensive development of children with disabilities, allows them to interact with a virtual environment, the principle of which is to obtain biological feedback, and also helps:

– improving balance, balancing;
– development of fine, large motility, coordination of movements in an upright position;
– development of cognitive activity, logical thinking;
– restoration of lost functions.

Children using the interactive floor and interactive sandbox can be three years old or older. Thanks to visual and sound stimulation in children, motivation increases, the desire to repeat, to perform tasks of increased complexity in the future.


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