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Installation of the Briolight interactive panel🔌


The Briolite Interactive Panel is a large monitor that is similar in function to a tablet in that it provides touch-sensitive control of everything it displays on a high-resolution, high-sensitivity screen.

In this article, we will consider which installation option is better, and how to mount the interactive panel yourself.

The panel is often installed for educational and rehabilitation purposes in schools, kindergartens, IRCs, correction centers, psychologists’ offices. Also, recently, touch panels have gained popularity in the entertainment sector: shopping and entertainment centers, leisure and children’s recreation rooms, cafes, museums.

Installation methods

The standard installation option for such a multitouch screen (up to 10 touches) is a movable stand with special stoppers that help the panel to be stable and not to travel on the floor when it is not needed.

But some customers ask for a bracket installation so that the panel is fixed to one room. This option does not mean that it is impossible to move it yourself, but it will be necessary to dismantle the panel, then drill the wall in the new room for the bracket, and mount the panel from scratch in a new place.

Moving the rack between rooms is easier, it is possible at any time without additional devices.

Delivery and installation

Shipping is included in the price of the Briolight interactive panel, but installation costs are not included. If the purchase is carried out in a complex (panel + interactive floor / interactive sandbox), then our installers install the panel for free together with other equipment that they will bring.

In all other cases, the installation of the interactive panel lies with the customers, but do not be afraid of this. Basically, mounting your interactive panel is no different than mounting a TV to a bracket. This can be handled by two inexperienced men or one who has experience installing electronic equipment.

The panel is delivered by Nova Poshta by address delivery. When sending, we pack the panel with high quality in our production, and then the carrier company installs a flexbox (crate) so that the goods come to the client in integrity.

Mounting the panel to a wall with a bracket and mounting to a pole is not much different. These methods have their own peculiarities: the rack must be assembled first, but mounting on a bracket is less convenient due to its proximity to the wall. Let’s analyze the installation point by point.

  1. Pre-preparation. The panel itself consists of a screen and a computer on the back. Before starting the installation, you must assemble the rack or install the plank on the wall.
  2. Computer mounting. On the right side of the bracket there is a mount for a computer; you need to install a computer on it. It should be fixed until it clicks and so that the power button comes out on the right.
  3. Screen mounting. It is necessary to place the multitouch screen with an offset to the remaining space on the left side. It is most convenient to connect it together. One person holds the touch screen, while the other connects several connectors to the computer. When the panel is connected, we hook the screen onto the hooks, and at the bottom we fix it on two pivoting safety clamps.

Our installation option should not be difficult. But if you have any questions, you can call our technicians by phone: (093) 355-10-01

After installation, the panel is ready for use; it does not require any additional settings. The software and required applications are already installed. In the future, you can independently replenish the collection of applications from the Playmarket or purchase additional Briolite update packages (if you have access to the Internet).


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