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Interactive technologies for educators

Interactive technologies for educators

Today, many schools and lyceums make serious demands on the knowledge, skills and abilities of children for admission to them. Such high demands cannot be satisfied based only on traditional methods and means of pedagogical technologies that are usually used in kindergartens. In addition, additional sections, circles, tutors with different progressive technologies and approaches to the organization of training (in particular, multimedia and interactive) are often needed.

How to create a kindergarten that will effectively prepare children for school and at the same time, the children will enjoy going to it? With Briolight equipment it is possible!

Interactive classes in kindergartens are a form of organization, when the educational process proceeds in such a way that all children are involved in the process of learning and have the opportunity to influence the course of the exercises. 

Any interactive technique is based on the statement that – children are better at remembering and assimilating what they do with their own hands. And do not forget that the condition for the development of a personality is a child in preschool age communication. Therefore, the task of the educator is to use an interactive approach, creating an atmosphere of cooperation within the group, children with each other and children with the teacher. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use interactive technologies. These include products from the Briolight interactive complex, which consists of an interactive projection floor, an interactive augmented reality sandbox, an interactive multitouch panel, an interactive developing table, an interactive mirror with audio and video recording and other equipment.

The use of interactive technologies and teaching methods in a modern kindergarten characterizes the professional competence of a preschool teacher.

The organization of interactive teaching in kindergarten with the help of the above equipment can take place in different forms: 

  •  individual, involves the independent solution of the task by each child (for example, an interactive speech therapy mirror); 
  •  steam room, used to solve tasks in pairs (for example, an interactive floor); 
  •  a group approach, where children are divided into subgroups (for example, an interactive panel); 
  •  frontal (collective), where the task is performed by all participants at the same time (for example, an interactive sandbox).

The main goal of the educator is to correctly apply one or another form of lesson, using interactive equipment, taking into account the specific conditions of the educational process. It is on the staffing of the preschool educational institution and the skills of the teacher that determines how he can expand and revive work with preschoolers and consolidate the experience gained. 

Advantages of using Briolight interactive technologies by educators at preschool educational institutions:

  1. Professional solution for working with children, developed jointly by practicing psychologists, including those who work with children with OOP. 
  2. Difficulty levels (easy, normal, difficult) and additional individual settings level, taking into account the age characteristics of the child.
  3. A large library of exercises, varied in content and directions, with the functions “Filter” and “Generator of activities”.
  4. Suitable for demonstration (fairy tales, film excerpts, author’s presentations) and visualization of information on a screen or projection, which aroused great interest in children.
  5. Carries a figurative type of information, understandable for preschoolers.
  6. Bright colors attract the attention of children, develop memory and thinking (visual memory).
  7. A variety of educational material can be divided into individual folders for each child, groups of children, thematic classes, which allows you to individualize the learning process, adapt it to the personal characteristics and needs of students. 
  8. Adds information capacity, clarity, compactness, accessibility and emotional appeal, increasing the interest and motivation of the child.
  9. The constant alternation of mental activity with mobile, as well as the ability to organize time for relaxation with visual or audio accompaniment.
  10. It makes it possible to enhance visual perception and facilitate the assimilation of educational material.

The use of multimedia and interactive technologies Briolight in the preparation of preschoolers makes it possible to increase the visibility and effectiveness of the perception of material by children. Modern equipment enriches the learning process and lightens the workload for educators. 

For the pupils of the preschool educational institution, such interactive training develops communication skills and abilities, helps to establish emotional contacts, provides a solution to a number of educational tasks, as it teaches teamwork, mutual understanding, the ability to reasonably defend their point of view, observation, and also develops creativity and imagination. This, in turn, will help you easily pass all the introductory texts to the school!


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