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Interactive technologies for a psychologist

Interactive technologies for a psychologist

Play activities have a positive effect on the formation of many mental processes. For the correct use of play techniques by psychologists, Briolight has developed a set of interactive equipment that is designed for children. The complex includes: an interactive projection floor, an interactive augmented reality sandbox, an interactive multi-touch panel, an interactive developing table, an interactive mirror with audio and video recording function and other equipment. 

Briolight equipment serves as a visual demonstration and practical material for the psychologist for working with children. On the floor, as well as on the panel and the sandbox, there is free Internet access, with which you can demonstrate material from your cloud storage, videos on YouTube, play photo and audio information from various sites, and more. In addition, you can install games and applications from the panel Play Market with pedagogical games, diagnostic techniques, psychological tests, visual and practical material. 

And children are given the opportunity to perform psychological tasks using direct work on the board, moving on the floor or interacting with sand.

Interactive technologies presented by Briolight allow you to create a variety of psychological situations using technological capabilities. 

Classes with children using interactive equipment can be conducted both in individual and group forms. Around the sandbox in a standard building, 6 children can be accommodated, the same number can be used for playing on the floor (for example, team tasks), it is better to involve no more than 3 children in activities on the panel.

Such teamwork is more attractive because tasks are performed directly through their actions, which causes positive emotions in children, and leads to better assimilation of the material.

A psychologist, working with children, often encounters: hyperactivity, low level of motivation, low level of self-control and organization, etc. It is to deal with these problems that created professional solution Briolight. With its help, the psychologist quickly and efficiently creates conditions for involving children who are experiencing psychological difficulties in the process of occupation. Thanks to this, attention is better focused through vivid visual material and practical actions; the motivation for attending active work in the classroom is significantly increased.

What can be achieved using the Briolight interactive equipment:

  1. Development of gross and fine motor skills: the formation of all types of praxis, visual-motor coordination.
  2. Perception: recognition of images of objects and characteristic sounds; selection of objects by word (“find”, “where”, “show”, “find the same”) and parts of the whole; recognition of colors and shapes.
  3. Memory: memorizing images and objects, repeating sounds, words, phrases and sentences.
  4. Speech: understanding of speech; active speech.
  5. Sensory: the formation of sensory standards and elementary mathematical representations.

In addition, a psychologist can quickly carry out psychological diagnostics after each lesson without using additional material costs (white paper, pencils, visual material). The best for this is a panel that allows you to display the text of methods, questionnaires, practical tasks, visual materials on the screen. 

In general, the use of interactive technologies by a psychologist creates a situation of success for children, reduces fatigue, keeps their working capacity in stabilization, stabilizes the mood background, increases interest in classes, which is a clear indicator of the importance of interactive equipment in the correction process.

A complete list of the advantages of using the Briolight interactive equipment by psychologists:

  1. bright colors attract the attention of children, develop memory and thinking (visual memory);
  2. equipment for demonstration (fairy tales, excerpts of films with a psychological orientation, author’s presentations); 
  3. constant alternation of mental activity with mobile, as well as the ability to organize time for relaxation with visual or audio accompaniment; 
  4. effective and efficient training through the use of professional tools of a psychologist;
  5. a large library of exercises, varied in content, directions, difficulty, to navigate in which will help the functions “Filter” and “Generator of activities”;
  6. difficulty levels (easy, normal, difficult), and individual settings , taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, his age and the purpose of applying one or another effect;
  7. individual folders for each student or group of students, with different author’s settings, which significantly speeds up the process of using the equipment in conditions of limited lesson time.

The construction of each lesson using interactive technologies depends on the age and physiological characteristics of the child, on the structure of the defect in children with disabilities. It is usually part of a traditional occupation.


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